On December 17th 2018, the workshop “LOINC: Digitalisation in the Laboratory medicine requires uniform coding” took place in Berlin. More than 100 experts from science, medical care and industry discussed…
The Medical Faculty of the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg aims at promoting its digital infrastructure in the fields of Medical Informatics and announces the new professorship W2 Professor for Biostatistics (tenure-track). Please refer to…
On March 28th-29th, we invite again to our annual MIRACUM Symposium which will take place in Mainz. Following our successful scheme from 2018, we will have top-class Keynote Speakers. Among…
The DIFUTURE consortium invited to the Munich Digital Health Summit on 29th – 30th November 2018 – and representatives from politics, science, medicine and medical informatics followed this invitation. The…
Privacy Preserving Data Analysis is becoming ever more important as society would like to benefit from the data available, while also not infringing in people’s privacy. DataSHIELD comprises a set…
Several members of the MIRACUM team have participated at the 6th European i2b2/tranSMART meeting in Geneva. Thomas Ganslandt (Mannheim) presented a keynote about the current status of the Medical Informatics Initiative…
The University of Applied Sciences Mannheim offers a professorial post in the Department of Computer Science for the summer semester 2019. In addition to lectures, the accomplishment of courses as…
On September 1st 2018 the University Medicine Dresden and the University Medicine Greifswald officially joined the MIRACUM consortium. With about 5.4 million euros funding from the BMBF in total, Dresden…
During the 63rd GMDS conference from 2nd to 6th September in Osnabrück, MIRACUM organised a workshop on the topic „Medical Data Science: Consolidation and usage of distributed data in the…
On August 29th 2018 our new MIRACUM partner Greifswald invites to a MIRACUM kick-off meeting to present MIRACUM as a component of the MII (Prof. Hans-Ulrich Prokosch), the MIRACOLIX Toolbox…
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