Prof. Dr. Jim Cimino (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA) is a board certified internist and clinical informatician and Director of the UAB Informatics Institute. He has decades of experience…
Medical Informatics meets werewolves– this fantastic mixture was possible at the first MIRACUM Summer School, that we organised from July 29th to August 3rd 2018 in the Alsace. Of course…
The University Medicine Mainz offers two positions in the Mainzer DIZ team (data integration centre). This first call is limited to December 2021 but might be prolonged. One position focuses…
We are very happy to announce that a Focus Topic on The German Medical Informatics Initiative has just been published with open access in Methods of Information in Medicine. It…
Prof. Dr. James Cimino will approach the question “What is wrong with the EHR and how do we fix it?” in our first MIRACUM seminar at the University Hospital Frankfurt…
On June 13th 2018, the MIRACUM partner Magdeburg welcomed representatives of politics – first and foremost Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann, the minister for Economics, Science and Digitalisation in Saxony-Anhalt –…
The MIRACUM team congratulates the university hospitals Dresden and Greifswald to their successful application to be a future MIRACUM partner. Starting from September 1st 2018 both university hospitals will officially…
From July 29th to August 3rd 2018, MIRACUM’s first Summer School themed „Medical (Research) Informatics Essentials„ will take place in the Alsace in Niederbronn-les-Bains. In this first year, we focus on data acquisition and interoperability challenges in…
We congratulate Thomas Ganslandt, who relocated his workplace and changed from the University Hospital Erlangen to the Medical Faculty Mannheim of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg in March 2018. In his Erlangen…
The Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus at the Dresden University of Technology has won Martin Sedlmayr as new head of Medical Informatics. We congratulate Martin Sedlmayr to his new…
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