On April 19th 2018, Ulli Prokosch presented the concepts, goals and first results of the MIRACUM consortium within the conhIT 2018 conference. He focussed on the MIRACOLIX toolbox and explained…
On April 24th 2018, the Magdeburger MIRACUM partner site organised the first workshop “Molecular Tumour Boards”, which refers to our Use Case 3 “From Knowledge to Action – Support for…
On April 10th 2018 Melanie Börries (Freiburg) presented current work on the MIRACUM Use Case „From Knowledge to Action: IT Support for Molecular Tumor Boards“ within the Tübingen e:Med Workshop…
On April 10th we had a MIRACUM kick-off meeting in Freiburg, where we took the opportunity to present MIRACUM to around 100 clinicians and other employees from the Medical Center…
Just in time for the MIRACUM Kick-Off Symposium, we proudly present the first issue of the MIRACUM journal, published on February 22nd 2018. This journal illustrates the MIRACUM concepts/use cases/results…
On February 22nd and 23rd, we celebrated the start of the MIRACUM programme with a Kick-Off Symposium in Erlangen. With around 250 national and international guests, we succeeded to introduce the…
The MIRACUM Kick-off Symposium has been certified by the Bayerische Landesärztekammer with 11 credit points in category A with 4 credits on 22nd February and 7 credits on 23rd February…
The OMOP common data model and the OHDSI tools are used as a core element in MIRACUM for developing a common data model, harmonizing terminologies as well as facilitating the…
“Regional Differences in Thrombectomy Rates” have been reported by clinicians from the MIRACUM sites, based on the secondary use of anonymized billing data. As a first research question to be…
The University of Applied Sciences Gießen (Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, THM) opens the call for a W2 professorship in the disciplines of eHealth and Medical Data Science. The candidate will represent…
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