Jan Christoph and Marc Hinderer of the MIRACUM team spent 10 days in New York City for an intense research visit and have just returned with lots of input for…
We are happy to announce the seventh newly established professorship in the context of the MIRACUM consortium. The Faculty of Medicine Mannheim of Heidelberg University invites applicants for a W3…
The MIRACUM Steering Board, together with the University hospital´s CIOs and team members from the participating medical informatics, biometrics and bioinformatics groups met for two days (29th/30th of March) at…
For many years now Erlangen´s Chair of Medical Informatics has committed itself to the support of translational research. Since the i2b2 Toolkit has been successfully deployed in various projects for…
The first joint project results of the MIRACUM consortium will be presented by Marc Hinderer at the eHealth Summit Austria (23./24.5.2017) in Vienna. A project team from six of our…
We are happy to announce a newly established professorship in the context of the MIRACUM consortium. The Faculty of Medicine of the Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen invites applicants for a W2…
In order to support the interest of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research to expand the planned data integration centre networks across all German university hospitals, MIRACUM had defined…
30 MIRACUM members gathered in Erlangen from 6th to 7th February to present the status of ongoing pilot projects and to discuss the projects and aims for the development and…
New insights into the relationship between changes in genomic sequences and diseases can be gained even faster and more reliably if the genomic information of the respective patient is included…
The first 2-day workshop of the MIRACUM consortium was hosted by the University Hospital of Frankfurt from 27th to 28th October 2016 and around 30 consortium members followed the invitation…
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