We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Thomas Ganslandt has accepted the call as W3 Professor for Medical Data Science at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. His appointment by university president…
The third MIRACUM Summer School with the topic „Visible benefits of the MIRACUM project for patient care, scientific research, academic teaching and patients“ took place at the Edersee from October…
Over a period of three years, the PEAK project (Perspektiven des Einsatzes und Akzeptanz Künstlicher Intelligenz in der Versorgung / engl: Perspectives on the Use and Acceptance of Artificial Intelligence…
Under the working title „Interactive generation and simulation of prognostic, personalized digital patient models“, the group headed by group leader, Dr. Andreas Rowald, started work at the beginning of October.…
The publication of „Prototypical Clinical Trial Registry Based on Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR): Design and Implementation Study“ in January 2021 now even received international attention. In July, author Christian…
A wonderful symbiosis of learning and experiencing awaits the participants of the third MIRACUM Summer School, which will take place from 11 to 15 October 2021 on the Edersee. Under…
Successful annual symposium in Mannheim with impressive results and exciting presentations. After last year’s online event, this year it was time for the first hybrid event format under the MIRACUM…
The Independent Trusted Third Party (TTP) of the University Medicine Greifswald has released significant updates of the TTP tools E-PIX, gPAS, and gICS, all of which being part of the…
The German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure, de.NBI in short, is a project funded by the BMBF for six years to design and implement a platform for high-quality and sustainably usable…
This is the headline of this year’s MIRACUM Journal and captures the core of the activities in the consortium quite well. Especially the past year has shown how important it…
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