Dear members and friends of MIRACUM, we would like to present to you the progress and perspectives of the MIRACUM consortium, but also interesting aspects from the medical informatics initiative…
Use Case 1 „Alerting in Care – IT-supported recruitment platforms“ aims to expand the MIRACUM DIC to include site-related study registers and other infrastructure components that enable the automated identification…
In the past few years, the medical informatics initiative has achieved important pioneering results on the digitization of healthcare. Successes to date have yet been limited to university medicine environments…
In May, the starting signal was given for the next major project within the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII), which aims to promote the integration of data across locations. To this…
A study in regards of the death rate of COVID-19 patients initiated by researchers at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and University Hospital Erlangen concluded that the COVID-19 mortality declined over the course…
A wonderful symbiosis of learning and practical experience awaits the participants of the MIRACUM Spring School, which will take place online from May 3rd to May 7th, 2021. Under the…
At the Erlangen site, the Medical Faculty of Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU) is seeking applicants to fill a W1 professorship in Biomedical Informatics at the Institute of Medical Informatics, Biometry and…
The Department of Medicine at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University is planning to establish a Center for Medical Informatics together with the University Hospital Frankfurt. In this context, a new…
The Faculty of Medicine at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) invites applications for a Full Professorship (W3) for Medical Data Science at the newly established Institute of Medical AI and High-tech Research.…
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