In order to make the work in the MIRACUM consortium more visible to the public, the Central Office in Erlangen is looking for a support in the field of PR…
Extraordinary working days were scheduled at the Erlangen site of the MIRACUM consortium in October 2020. Within 3 days, the shooting for the MII Image Film was finished. For MIRACUM,…
Online master’s program and certificate courses beginning in October – innovative, interactive, self-organized and family-friendly. Qualified medical computer scientists are in great demand in all health care facilities and the…
From now on, patients at University Medicine Greifswald will be asked during their admission interview whether their pseudonymized health data may be used for medical research. The consent, which is…
First results of the 4CE Consortium were successfully published today in Nature Digital Medicine. The manuscript with the title “International Electronic Health Record-Derived COVID-19 Clinical Course Profile: The 4CE Consortium”…
On 01.07.2020 a new MIRACUM junior research group started its work at the partner location Dresden. Under the title „Prospective User-Centered Design of Clinical Decision Support Systems in the Context…
In December 2019, the Free State of Bavaria has initiated a competition amongst the Bavarian universities to establish 50 new professorships focusing on various aspects of artificial intelligence research. On…
The Federal and State Data Protection Board has officially and unanimously accepted the version of the model text for broad consent and the associated documents provided by the NSG. This…
In order to join forces and to leverage the value of their EHR data supporting the fight against the COVID-19 virus, an international consortium (4CE) of 96 hospitals across 5…
The professorship for Medical Informatics at the Technische Universität Dresden is establishing a new junior research group within the Medical Informatics Initiative. The main focus of the group will be…
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