One week has already passed since the MIRACUM Symposium took place. Not as planned in Freiburg, but virtually. Despite these circumstances, we can proudly say that it was a fantastic…
We have currently more than 250 registrations for our MIRACUM Online Symposium and there are continuously new requests for participation. Therefore we have now managed (in addition to our Zoom…
As part of the MII, the UKSH Campus Lübeck is cooperating with MIRACUM in an interdisciplinary project on molecular tumor boards. The aim is to develop standardized methods, quality management…
With immediate effect, all participants of the medical informatics initiative and their cooperation partners can obtain a free SNOMED CT license. It represents an important step for medical research. Thanks…
The MIRACUM Consortium has decided to hold its Annual Symposium as an Online Symposium in a shorter version than originally planned. We have organized two sessions with a lunch break…
Dear interested participants of the MIRACUM Symposium, In order to protect patients and employees, the Freiburg University Hospital board of directors has decided to cancel all public events at the…
21 interdisciplinar partners have joined forces in the polar_mi research project (Polypharmacy, drug-drug-interactions and risks) to improve drug therapy and enhance patient safety. The project started in February 2020 and…
Due to the current developments of the coronavirus COVID 19 in Germany we also discuss which actions to take for the MIRACUM symposium in Freiburg. However, we have already committed…
Following the first NSG meeting of the year, the MII invited to a political evening on 13.02.2020. In a top-class panel discussion achievements of the first two years, remaining challenges…
Clinicians in molecular tumor boards (MTB) are confronted with a growing amount of high-throughput sequencing data. Today, at German university hospitals, these data are usually handled in complex spreadsheets from…
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