The Institute of Medical Bioinformatics and Systems Medicine at the Medical Center – University of Freiburg has successfully participated in the Next-Generation-Sequencing 2019 ring trials of the Professional Association of German…
We are pleased to announce and would like to invite you to our 3rd annual MIRACUM Symposium. This year it will take place in Freiburg between March 26th – 27th.…
The Medical Valley Europäische Metropolregion Nürnberg and d.hip (Digital Health Innovation Platform) had organized a clinical data day on Wednesday, December 18th 2019 in Erlangen. Ulli Prokosch and Detlef Kraska…
On 2 December 2019, the Japanese-German-French Forum on AI and Healthcare took place in Tokyo. This event, organized by DWIH Tokyo, focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications and national approaches…
Within the cooperative effort between the Comprehensive Cancer Center Erlangen-EMN (CCC EMN), the Medical Information and Communication Center of the University Hospital Erlangen and MIRACUM, the „Zentrales Studienregister“ was launched…
This year the MEDICA again took place in Düsseldorf from 18th to 21st November. Visitors to the largest international medical trade fair were able to inform themselves about the Medical…
While Chancellor Merkel mentioned at the “Digitalklausur” of the German Government that there is still lots of work ahead and that we must make better use of our data, Prof.…
On 6th/7th October 2019 we were happy to welcome our International Scientific Advisory Board members Richard Frackowiak, Arie Hasman, Lisa McShane, George Hripcsak and Ahmet Zehir to Eltville, where they…
In an interview in Sysmex’ company magazine Xtra, Prof. Dr. Thomas Ganslandt (professor of Medical Informatics at the Mannheim Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg) describes the potentials of…
After the successful start in Alsace (France) last year, the second MIRACUM Summer School took place from 22 – 26 September 2019 in the Marburger Haus in Kleinwalsertal coordinated by…
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