The current issue of the journal „Deutsches Ärzteblatt“ (German Medical Journal) dedicated an extensive article to the Medical Informatics Initiative. In addition to an overview of the goals of the…
MIRACUM is proud that Prof. Dr. Thomas Ganslandt from University Medicine Mannheim has been elected as a new member of the i2b2/tranSMART Foundation. The i2b2 and tranSMART platforms play an…
Over the next ten years, the MIRACUM site in Dresden will receive a total of 40 million euros for the establishment of the Else Kröner-Fresenius Centre for Digital Health. In…
In a dedicated MIRACUM workshop as part of the GMDS 2019 conference program the MIRACUM team presented its current status and development plans of DIZ components. The presentations focused on…
New Institute – New Head We are pleased to announce that the Albert-Ludwigs University in Freiburg has approved the appointment of Dr. Dr. Melanie Börries as W3 Professor of Medical…
Another step in health care research: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to fund Nationwide Registry for Recurrent Urolithiasis Urinary stone disease is a widespread disease with a…
„The Future of Medicine” (Editors E. Böttinger, J. zu Putlitz) has just been published and the book launch panel discussion will be in Berlin on 3rd of June 2019 starting at 6pm.…
Two months ago the 2nd MIRACUM Symposium took place at the Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz on March 28th and 29th, 2019. The GMDS e.V. accompanied the event on film and…
A wonderful symbiosis of learning and experiencing awaits the participants of the second MIRACUM Summer School, which will take place from 22 to 26 September 2019 in Kleinwalsertal. Under the…
The 2019 EFMI (European Federation of Medical Informatics) Special Topic Conference on „ICT for Health Science Research“ was organized by the Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics in Hannover (7th –…
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