The Independent Trusted Third Party (TTP) of the University Medicine Greifswald has released significant updates of the TTP tools E-PIX, gPAS, and gICS, all of which being part of the MIRACOLIX toolbox. Besides numerous improvements and new features, existing authentication and authorization mechanisms of E-PIX®, gPAS® and gICS® have now been enabled to interact with the open source SSO solution KeyCloak.
In the new version 2.13.0, the consent management gICS® has an intuitively usable dashboard. In addition, gICS is delivered for the first time with the TTP-FHIR gateway, which supports querying of consent information in the HL7-FHIR standard. Further details and the link to the download can be found in the news section of
E-PIX supports PPRL processes (Privacy-Preserving-Record-Linkage) using Bloom filters and allows a cross-site record linkage of patients without having to exchange demographic information such as given name, family name, date of birth, etc. The bloom filters can be modified accordingly and the double hashing and random hashing methods have been implemented. Further details and the link to the download can be found in the news section of
The performance of gPAS has been increased by additional caching algorithms. This enables even faster response times for very large data sets. In addition, basic functionalities for generating and querying pseudonyms are now available via FHIR® API. Further details and the link to the download can be found in the news section of
The Independent Trusted Third Party (TTP) of the University Medicine Greifswald has released significant updates of the TTP tools E-PIX, gPAS, and gICS, all of which being part of the MIRACOLIX toolbox. Besides numerous improvements and new features, existing authentication and authorization mechanisms of E-PIX®, gPAS® and gICS® have now been enabled to interact with the open source SSO solution KeyCloak.
gICS® available in new version 2.13.0
In the new version 2.13.0, the consent management gICS® has an intuitively usable dashboard. In addition, gICS is delivered for the first time with the TTP-FHIR gateway, which supports querying of consent information in the HL7-FHIR standard. Further details and the link to the download can be found in the news section of
E-PIX® supports Privacy-Preserving-Record-Linkage (PPRL): New version 2.12.0 available
E-PIX supports PPRL processes (Privacy-Preserving-Record-Linkage) using Bloom filters and allows a cross-site record linkage of patients without having to exchange demographic information such as given name, family name, date of birth, etc. The bloom filters can be modified accordingly and the double hashing and random hashing methods have been implemented. Further details and the link to the download can be found in the news section of
Performance update, Keycloak and FHIR® support: gPAS® 1.10.3 freely available
The performance of gPAS has been increased by additional caching algorithms. This enables even faster response times for very large data sets. In addition, basic functionalities for generating and querying pseudonyms are now available via FHIR® API. Further details and the link to the download can be found in the news section of