The integration of clinical decision support systems for pharmacogenomic testing into clinical routine has been investigated by the MIRACUM consortium over the last nine months. This joint effort has now…
The Medical Faculty of the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg aims at promoting its digital infrastructure in the fields of Medical Informatics and announces two new professorships: one W2 Professor for Biostatistics and one…
The second joint project results of the MIRACUM consortium got accepted for publication in Pharmacogenomics. A project team of 11 of our MIRACUM partners has performed a survey among the clinicians of…
After nine month of intense work with more than 100 MIRACUM team members contributing to the various pilot projects and to the MIRACUM grant proposal for the BMBF MI-I networking…
Six members of our MIRACUM consortium held a workshop on the 25th of April 2017 at the conhIT 2017 in Berlin. They presented the current BMBF funding scheme „medical informatics“…
Mannheim University of Applied Sciences : Dr. Ulrike Kutscha starts her work in September In autumn 2016 the University of Applied Sciences Mannheim has issued a W2 professorship for „Medical…
Jan Christoph and Marc Hinderer of the MIRACUM team spent 10 days in New York City for an intense research visit and have just returned with lots of input for…
We are happy to announce the seventh newly established professorship in the context of the MIRACUM consortium. The Faculty of Medicine Mannheim of Heidelberg University invites applicants for a W3…
The MIRACUM Steering Board, together with the University hospital´s CIOs and team members from the participating medical informatics, biometrics and bioinformatics groups met for two days (29th/30th of March) at…
For many years now Erlangen´s Chair of Medical Informatics has committed itself to the support of translational research. Since the i2b2 Toolkit has been successfully deployed in various projects for…